I had recently realised the project I had much plan for wasn’t updated since sometime back. So much that for an observer it very well looks to be potentially defunct. There are many reasons why I couldn’t push regular updates to this. Priorities at home and at work just didn’t allow me enough time.

However, deep down I knew I just wasn’t satisfied with what I had achieved. I had a huge list of things that I needed to implement and the effort required I thought was huge. But I just couldn’t look at the stagnant progress of this service. I found it useful at multiple times and I know it can be improved so that others do too. So, I have decided to take up the project, small improvements at a time.

To start with, all the threads, mainly from posts featured in discover section and Emoji collections, are up to date. Well, @mantons hard at work and has already grown the list of Emoji collections. Well, all the Emoji Collections from Micro.blog are available at Micro.threads now. So I (and others) can now get all the recommendations for that one 🍕 parlour or one’s 🗺️ogue.

But there’s more. The huge list of limitations I talked about at the top? Yeah, I have decided to start addressing them small updates at a time. Firstly just by noting them down.

  • Threads concept itself is limited. Currently it takes a post id, fetches the conversation (thread) and then pull out all the links and only show these links as a thread.
  • Creating thread is a mess and so is updating it.
  • No way for external users to generate threads. Keeping threads updated is a chore at this point.

So, I have been back to drawing board, working on the ways I want to address these and present what I have in mind. I have a clear objective with this service. What’s to come has already found its place on the homepage, just as a placeholder for now. I wish I manage to deliver it to my satisfaction, first and fore most. If along the way, it helps the community, well and good.

Back to work.